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公司名称: Shenzhen PDS Technology Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2011 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 101 - 500 人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: mobile data terminal  
公司简介: PDS Technology was established in 2011. It is a technology-based company led by a group of engineers. The core technical team has profound accumulation in the development of in-vehicle navigation, in-vehicle high-precision navigation, and industrial tablet computer development. 
Shenzhen PDS Technology Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 3rd floor, Building 15, Wisdomland Business Park, Nantou Gate 2n (518052) / 电话:86-19865474956

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